Ministry of Labor issues guidelines on working from home

Das Bild zeigt ein Büro und die Leitlinien für Homeoffice Arbeit

The guidelines of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) for better home office aim to balance office presence and home office work. The ministry recommends not relying solely on home office work. These guidelines are not binding but serve as recommendations.

BMAS acknowledges that hybrid work models increase flexibility and improve work-life balance. Additionally, they provide opportunities for people with disabilities to participate more in the workforce and facilitate reintegration after long periods of incapacity.

However, this new form of collaboration imposes higher and different demands on all parties involved. According to the labour ministry, employers must find fair and safe solutions for work design, even in the absence of telework agreements.

Employees must self-organize more, while managers face the challenge of leading remotely, keeping teams across various locations connected, and managing information flow.

The 7 steps for designing good hybrid screen work:

  1. Define terms, application areas, and goals
  2. Determine suitable mobile screen activities
  3. Establish time frames for hybrid screen work
  4. Set regulations for cost distribution or assumption
  5. Conduct risk assessments, determine and implement measures
  6. Inform and instruct employees
  7. Monitor the effectiveness of measures and adjust if necessary

The ministry emphasizes the importance of involving employees and their representatives in the process of establishing hybrid work guidelines. According to the ministry's observations, hybrid work usually functions well when there are rules for home office work at the company or collective level.

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