5 benefits of working from home: how you promote equal treatment!

Gastbeitrag Benefits.me

It is no longer a secret that a good salary is no longer the only decisive factor for many employees when job choice is no longer a secret. Companies know that they need to offer their employees to retain them in the long term and attract new colleagues. For example, a good working atmosphere and opportunities to balance work and private life work-life balance are important to many people.

Benefits as a solution for employee retention

What is needed are good benefits. These are attractive additional benefits that companies can offer their employees on top of their salary, setting them apart from the competition. These benefits can come in many different forms. Free drinks at work, a mobility allowance for the commute to work, on-site childcare or team events. There are numerous options that companies can use to improve the everyday working lives of their employees. But they almost all have one thing in common: they favour employees who work on-site. Many benefits offer no advantage for employees who work mostly from home or working from home or completely remotely - like onyo. With free fruit and drinks, you can employees who may live - and work - hundreds of kilometres away cannot be lured out from behind the stove. Yet, so many benefits can be easily transferred to the home office.

Why employers should offer benefits for working from home

The trend towards working from home is continuing. Almost a quarter of all
of all employees in Germany
now work from home, at least part of the time. Young employees and parents, in particular, appreciate the opportunities this creates to opportunities better to combine their working life with leisure and family life. Not only, but employers make themselves particularly attractive to these target groups when they offer offer flexible working from home.

It also promotes equal treatment. If the choice of benefits does not consider employees when choosing benefits, you deny a large part of the workforce access to benefits. This can create an imbalance in the workforce and the feeling that working on-site is more likely to be rewarded and recognized.

4 benefits for your employees working from home benefit

Save big with discounts from benefit platforms!

Many companies offer their employees discounts on their own products and services.
On a benefits platform such as Benefits.me, which is available to companies free of charge available to companies free of charge, employees of participating companies can register and receive exclusive discounts on attractive brands. So your employees can save real money in online stores, on event tickets and on leisure activities in their save real money in their area.

Digital training

Equal treatment only exists if all employees have the same access to knowledge. Ideally, you should film internal training courses and make them available to your employees on the intranet. With free access to
e-learning platforms, mentoring programs and online seminars, further training can occur individually, at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Sports and fitness activities of your choice

The company gym is NOT an advantage for employees working from home. The gym at home is much more attractive. But perhaps the swimming pool or climbing gym is also preferred. Instead of specifying a fixed fitness program, let your employees choose a free membership and thus - really! - the health, fitness and motivation of your employees.

Equivalent equipment in the home office

Working from home should not be a disadvantage. Employers should consider ergonomic workstations and equivalent technology as a basic prerequisite for working and make these available to ALL employees at their workplace. Special (monthly or annual) budgets for home office equipment make it possible to work just as healthily and effectively at home while catering to individual needs.


Employees working from home should not be disadvantaged and their work should also be rewarded with attractive additional benefits. It is therefore important to find solutions as to how existing benefits can be transferred to the home office or what extra offers
can be set up for employees working from home. In most cases, there are already opportunities employees can choose what they want to take advantage of, regardless of their location are a real advantage

About Benefits.me:

Benefits.me is the free upgrade for employer branding. The exclusive discount campaigns on the closed benefits platform inspire over 1,000,000 employees throughout Germany. With the People Hub, Benefits.me is expanding its offering for companies with selected team events, company gifts and benefits at the best conditions.

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