onyo in the Media

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Our News in one view

Niao Wu and Jens Wöhrle founded onyo during the pandemic. With years of experience in workplace strategy and design, but also in IT, onyo is completely reshaping the future of work through digital processes!

Working at a coffee table is a thing of the past. Our ecosystem unites employers and employees. The benefits are obvious: lower employee turnover, healthier and more productive team members and cost efficiency in the flex office.

September 2023

Die Sieger des HR Innovation Awards 2023 stehen fest​

Onyo -Sieger der Kategorie "Corporate Health & Corporate Culture„.​ Büromöbel as-a-service und Content zu gesunder Heimarbeit.​
September 2023

HR Innovation Award: And the winners are ..

onyo setzt sich für Ergonomie im heimischen Büro ein. ​Unter anderem über Büromöbel "as a service" und über Content zu gesunder Heimarbeit.​
September 2023

Startup onyo: Homeoffice und mobile work Plattform​

Das Startup onyo bietet Unternehmen an, gesunde Homeoffices auszustatten, die nicht nur produktives, sondern auch gesundes Arbeiten ermöglichen.​
November 2023

onyo: professioneller Arbeitsplatz im Homeoffice​

Wie das HR-Startup onyo die Arbeitskultur revolutioniert und die Arbeitswelt ​in den eigenen vier Wänden auf ein neues Niveau hebt.​
March 2023

Hybrid Work: A Question of Integration

There is no way around hybrid work today. But can a sense of community still be created at a distance?
April 2022

onyo professionalizes the work in the home office

The economy is gearing up for a permanently hybrid professional world. Start-ups are supplying furniture and planning software for private workrooms.
November 2021

onyo: „Homeoffice-as-a-Service for companies

Setting up a proper workstation at home usually fails due to time, money or space. The Munich-based startup onyo wants to change that.
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