onyo, your one-stop solution for healthy mobile working

Equip Employees

Return on Investment
How does it work?
Employees equip their home office individually via the broad marketplace offering. onyo takes care of delivery, installation, all legal requirements including reversal in the event of a change of employer.
Digital process without paperwork
Employees can use self-service to equip themselves according to the framework conditions you give them. You have no effort, but always the overview.
Subscription model without upfront investment
In the leasing or rental model, no upfront investment is necessary, no accounting expenses are incurred, and you work in a capital-saving manner.
3k+ products to choose from, as individual as your employees
Every employee lives individually and has individual requirements. With our wide range of products, we can meet everyone's needs. Whether it's the 1m² home office or your own study.
31x Return on Investment
Average days of absence per employee in 2022
  • 3.54 days/year due to musculoskeletal disorders, and
  • 3,01 days/year due to mental illnesses

→ Reduce absenteeism by 50% and achieve 3k€ more output per employee.

Productivity boost through healthy Workplaces

According to the Fraunhofer Institute you increase productivity with an ergonomic workplace in mobile working by 25%.
Thereby you achieve about 18k€ more output per employee per year.

01. You conclude a service contract with us.

02. The employees receive a certain budget and can choose the equipment within the defined framework.

03. The employer agrees with one click.

04. Our partners perform the delivery and installation.

Virtual Risk Assessment

Virtual Risk Assessment
Return on Investment
How does it work?
onyo's virtual risk assessments examine safety and health in the home workplace.
Risk assessment, according to current legal requirements
Mobile work is not a law-free space and the employer is also responsible for ensuring occupational health and safety. No more gray areas with onyo.
Overview and transparency
Find out how well equipped your employees are in mobile working and enable your employees to receive recommendations for action for better home working.
Clean documentation for the statutory accident insurer
With our documentation, if the worst comes to the worst, you can always prove that you as an employer have fulfilled your duty of care and avoid liability cases.
Mobile work is not a law-free space and the employer is also responsible for work safety there.

The legal risk is up to 30k€ per offense.

01. You define the testing modalities and we provide the platform.

02. We ensure that your employees are regularly tested accordingly.

03. The employee and you receive the individual audit results including recommendations for action and documentation for the accident insurer.

04. Employees work healthier and you get transparency and legal certainty.


Return on Investment
How does it work?
onyo accompanies employees with regard to all "soft" factors with 1-1 sessions, roundtables and content.
1-1 sessions for healthy work
Don't leave your employees alone in mobile working, but provide the right support through 1-1 sessions. No matter if it's about the right setup of the home office, or about the organization of working from home with small children. We have the right support.
Roundtables: guided active mini-breaks and workshops.
In our Interactive Roundtables, your employees can actively exchange ideas on various topics in the home office. Our active mini-breaks in this format also enable the necessary movement and learning of appropriate active exercises for healthier working.
On-demand content for self-learning
Our digital programs and tools allow your employees to be guided independently and interactively for professional work
Insights for your teams
In the home office: "Out of sight out of mind"? Find out from us how well your employees are doing in order to keep your corporate identity high even in times of hybrid working.
5x ROI
21% of job seekers switch for more work flexibility according to McKinsey
Reduce attrition of 20% attrition, which causes on average 50k€ in costs.
On average, a vacant position in Germany is unfilled for ~120 days and causes vacancy costs of 30-40k€.
Reduce your vacancy costs by half with an attractive recruiting offer with professional home office.

01. Give your employees access.

02. Employees get easy access via the onyo platform.

03.  Your employees get their individual support for working professionally from home as they need it.


Return on Investment
How does it work?
Bring structure to hybrid work and coordinate home and office work with our deskbooking tool
Making the most of a flexible office
On average, offices are only used to 30% of their capacity. Reduce the space and use it optimally.
Desk and room booking in just 2 clicks
Click. Click. That's all it takes to book a desk. Other resources such as docking stations, phone rooms or even parking spaces can also be reserved.
Employees can also book anonymously if they do not want to be seen by others.
Effective Admin Portal
Find out how the offices are used and use the findings to continuously optimize your office.
4x ROI
Cost efficiency through mobile working
  • On average, the cost of a workstation is 8,000€/year and in the classic model also 8,000€/year/employee.
  • In hybrid working you can reduce the capacities to exemplary 7 workstations per 10 employees and thus save 30% of the costs.
  • This results in a cost saving of 2,400€/employee/year
  • This would be compared to expenses of ~36€/employee/year

01. View building plan

02. Select workplace

03. Book

In doing so, you can:
  • Book anonymously when you don't want to be seen by others
  • Create connections and use the office efficiently by getting an overview of how many of the team are also in the office

Your employees are the key to your success



Employees supported by onyo are happier and healthier working from home.



Employees cite home office as the most attractive benefit.


Return on Investment

ROI through higher productivity and stronger retention.

Schedule your personal demo

In our consultation you will learn:
How our innovative technology can help increase your employer attractiveness with minimal effort
We offer solutions for optimal home office equipment to create a pleasant and productive working environment
Answers to your questions
Schedule live demo

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