Home office: The main benefits for employees

Mitarbeiter im Homeoffice

Home office is becoming increasingly popular among employees and it is hard to imagine working without it. Today we would like to present the most important advantages of working from home.

1. Commute is omitted

Many employees work outside their home and often have to commute up to an hour to work on weekdays. Of course, this time could be used much more effectively in the home office, since working on public transportation is often difficult. However, if the commute is now completely eliminated, you can start working right away. Since the commute does not count as working time, you can get more free time by eliminating it. During this time, you can do something that is good for you.

2. Better work-life balance

We all know the problem: we have a time-consuming hobby, have a family or other important private commitments. Often it is difficult to reconcile all these commitments in everyday life without missing out on something. A real challenge!
By setting up a work-friendly home office, you can significantly improve your work-life balance, as you can usually freely arrange your working hours. This also allows you to decide when to take a break and meet your personal obligations.  

3. More flexibility

When you work in a home office, you are much more flexible, because you can keep handyman appointments during the day and receive your packages in person. It also allows you to better schedule doctor’s appointments or your children’s appointments, run urgent errands, and do laundry quickly during your break.

4. Less stress

By not having to commute to work, you avoid train delays or traffic jams, which can quickly raise your stress level. So you can go to your workplace relaxed.

5. Cost saving for you

By not having to travel to work, you save on the cost of your train ticket or the cost of gasoline for your car, which is a lot of money in this day and age. In addition, you will save on food, as the cost of lunch will be eliminated unless you brought your home-cooked meal to work. It’s best to cook fresh at home anyway. 

6. Cost savings for the company

By working from home, your employer can save on fixed costs for your workplace and lower electricity consumption. Of course, your employer has to provide you with your working materials once, but in the long run, the company can save fixed costs.

7. Protection against infections

By working in a home office, you can protect yourself well from infections because you are not in direct contact with your team members and the commute is eliminated. This reduces the risk of getting infected somewhere, which helps to keep the business running. 

8. Less distraction from team members

It may be hard to believe, but we are most distracted at work by other team members, not by our smartphone. Short conversations can quickly spiral out and half an hour has passed. In the home office, on the other hand, you can be less distracted by your team members. Of course, there are other sources of distraction, especially in the home office (TV, house cleaning, etc.). Here you need to show discipline and focus on your work.

9. Determine your own working rhythm

Here, the core working hours of the company must be observed. Otherwise, you can freely arrange your working hours, which can be very useful, especially for long-sufferers. This way you can work according to your very own biorhythm and be much more relaxed at work. 

10. More responsibility

Home office is great if you want to take on more responsibility. In a home office, you take sole responsibility for your work and motivation, because there is no one looking over your shoulder at home. You have to make sure that you get your work done on time because your company relies on you. This requires a lot of discipline as well as good self-motivation, as you can quickly get distracted by other things at home.

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* Source: Karrierezentrum

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