Is working from home bad for productivity?

Modernes Homeoffice mit großen Monitoren, ergonomischem Stuhl und viel natürlichem Licht.

No. An evidence-based study denies this.

The current debate about remote work and return-to-office policies is gathering pace. But the facts speak for themselves: home office and remote work are not bad for productivity per se. A recent meta-analysis based on 110 independent samples of 45,288 people offers new insights into this.

Central results of the meta-analysis:
➡️ Overall, the positive effects outweigh the negative effects of a few days of Remote Work Intensity per week.
➡️ The effects include attitudes such as higher satisfaction, higher commitment, a more pronounced experience of autonomy, higher performance and a lower intention to quit.
➡️ Social isolation can be a problem with higher remote work intensity, but the positive effects outweigh the negative ones.

It is less about the ‘whether’ and more about the ‘how’ of implementation. The current ‘back to office’ discussions often ignore evidence-based management. And yet, especially now in times of crisis and recession. We absolutely need precisely the working environment and forms of work that lead to greater productivity and performance. 🤔

Click here for the original source: A dual pathway model of remote work intensity: A meta‐analysis of its simultaneous positive and negative effects - Gajendran - 2024 - Personnel Psychology - Wiley Online Library

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